
Afrocentric Theatre, Music, Culture and Business

Salt (14 May-1 June) Salt (14 May-1 June)
Salt (14 May-1 June)

A journey to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. 


In February 2016, two artists got on a cargo ship, and retraced one of the routes of the Transatlantic Slave Triangle – from the UK to Ghana to Jamaica, and back.


Their memories, their questions and their grief took them along the bottom of the Atlantic and through the figurative realm of an imaginary past.


It was a long journey backwards, in order to go forwards.


This show is what they brought back.


“We imagine that we are on a journey, that life is a journey, but we are home from the beginning. This is not an easy thing to accept.“


Part of artist Selina Thompson’s wider body of work looking at Black British identity, the award-winning salt. focuses on grief, home, afropessism, the Black Atlantic, the forgetting of the UK’s colonial history and the impact that has on the daily life of Caribbean communities in the UK today.


Winner of The Stage Edinburgh Award

Winner of the Total Theatre Award for Experimentation, Innovation and Playing with Form

Winner of the Filipa Braganca Award for Best Female Solo Performance


Selina Thompson’s previous work at the Royal Court includes: Chewing the Fat (Beyond the Court). Director Dawn Walton returns to the Royal Court after bringing Black Men Walking here earlier this year.


14 May-1 Jun, Jerwood Theatre Upstairs, 7.45pm For tickets and details visit: https://ebonyonline.net/event/salt/

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