
Afrocentric Theatre, Music, Culture and Business

Seeds @ Soho Theatre (24 Mar-11 Apr) Seeds @ Soho Theatre (24 Mar-11 Apr)
Seeds @ Soho Theatre (24 Mar-11 Apr)

On Michael Thomas’ birthday, his cake sits in his mother’s living room, its candles burning undisturbed. Jackie wants to clear her conscience, whilst Evelyn’s got a big speech to deliver on the 15th anniversary of Michael’s fatal stabbing. Are some things better left unsaid?


Sensitively written by Mel Pennant and shortlisted for the Alfred Fagon Award, seeds tells the story of two mothers united in sorrow, sharing the hardship of protecting their sons – one in life, and one in death.


With overtones of the Stephen Lawrence murder, Seeds explores the roots of racism. Insinuating that it lies more in prejudiced humour and off-hand slurs rather than a horrific racist murder. This for Pennant is just the extreme end of the racist spectrum.


Starring Judith Jacobs (Real McCoy, BB Crew) the play ultimately asks “What would you do to save your son? Everything? Anything? Lie?”


Seeds, 24 Mar-11 Apr, Soho Theatre, Tickets and details https://sohotheatre.com/shows/seeds/

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