
Afrocentric Theatre, Music, Culture and Business

Miss Caribbean UK 2017 – Tickets available Miss Caribbean UK 2017 – Tickets available
Miss Caribbean UK 2017 – Tickets available

The finals of Miss Caribbean UK 2017 is almost upon us. After a series of exciting and close heats in the cities of Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Luton, Leicester and London the huge number of hopeful entrants have been whittled down to a final ten.


The final will be held at the art deco grade 11 listed; Broadway Theatre, Catford at the end of November.


Along with the crown, the winner will receive: £1000 cash prize, a trip to the country they represent, a designer evening gown, and many more prizes.


Proceedings will be hosted by Reizs Amos and Remel London. Entertainment on the night will include comedy from the hilarious Slim, music from Arron Soul Anyia and dance from Myself UK dance company.


The event should be a lively and hard fought affair if previous years are anything to go by. In a recent interview founder Jacqui Brown said “The girls be judged in front of an audience which can be very partisan”.


She continues “We place emphasis on the objectivity of the judges and stress that they will not be influenced by the audience response of support for a particular girl.”


Miss Caribbean UK was set up as an event to promote all the different Caribbean countries under one umbrella. The event uses a pageant format to promote, educate, inspire and celebrate the historical and cultural impact of the Caribbean within the United Kingdom.


If you were there last year, we know you won’t miss this year! As it will be an unmissable night of glamour, entertainment, fun, and fabulousness.




Main sponsors: Carib Larger, Tropical Sun, SN Travel, Trendy World, Deborah Asher Vocals, Kloe Dean, Soft-N-Free & Carron Cosmetics.


Miss Caribbean UK 2017, 25 November, 7pm-11pm, Broadway Theatre, Catford, SE6 4RU
Ticket – http://ltbevents.com/index.php?cpath=1  or
Broadway theatre –  https://broadwaytheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873581161
For more information, visit  www.misscaribbeanuk.com



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